passap Orange Needle Selector for 1:1 selection: This is the ever useful orange ruler that selects every other needle or every other pusher on any of the 5.0 mm passap knitting machines. Use this needle selector to select 1:1 or every other needle on the Passap DM 5 (Pink Passap), Duomatic 80, E6000 and Vario. The flat side is used to push needles back down into non-working position or push up a quantity of needles into working position. The short side is often used to push up pushers out of the rail on the back bed. This is definitely a must-have tool for Passap knitters. The 1:1 needle selector saves you time and finger tip wear and tear from pushing up back bed pushers. It's amazing how quickly your finger tips split open from moving regular pushers out of the pusher rail.