Good Bye Old Counter - Hello New Electronic Counter!
Does your Passap 3000A row counter have an old mechanical counter that doesn't keep accurate count, or won't stop at 0000 or you just can't rely on any longer?
What has happened is the nylon parts inside your counter have lost their ability to grip the shaft they were placed on. Now they more or less rotate freely. These can't be fixed. They are also no longer available as "new" parts. Even if they were, the nylon cams would probably have split or will split when put into use. In short the old clockwork counters just don't work any longer. If your counter still works you're lucky, but it's really just a matter of time before it stops.
The new Electronic Passap 3000A eCount Row Counter Electronic.
Remove the old mechanical counter from the support plate by loosening the two large screws at the back of the counter. Just lift it up to remove it.
Take the new
3000A electronic row counter and place it magnetically on the support plate. On the lock, remove the big pyramid shaped tripper
wire from the driver for the cam box. That's the part that holds the white plunger that connects the back lock to the motor belt.
Attach the magnet tripper to the back lock with the velcro stick-on tape. Plug the grey and red plugs into the back of the motor in the grey/red slots.
Plug in the
USB plug into your lap top or personal computer and you're ready to go.
OPTIONAL: If you prefer, you can plug the USB cord into a wall outlet adapter. It's the same one that you use on a cel phone. THIS ITEM IS NOT INCLUDED.
Operating the new counter is the same as the mechanical counter. Look at the comparison photo and you will see all the familiar functions are there.
A complete manual is included.
What you get in the bag is a new electronic row counter and a magnetic tripper.
cnt3000a countdown counter