These straight darning needles are blunt tipped and come in three different sizes. Also included is the needle container to keep your needles in. These very high quality needles are sharp enough to find their way through the fabric, but blunt enough to keep from splitting the fiber.
The Chibi is actually the little container that holds the Straight Darning Needles with their special blunt or ball point tip. But everyone calls the darning needle itself a chibi needle. It's the greatest sewing up needle ever for needle work or any hand work requiring a blunt tip needle. The chibi is a must have darning needle for all needle workers. Great for needle point and larger counted cross stitch canvas. You will find one of the three sizes of darning needles perfect for your work. Once you have a chibi darning needle, you will never use anything else. It is simply a well engineered darning needle and it works perfectly. Three different sizes of darning needles come with the Chibi holder.