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Pattern Tracing for DesignaKnit 8 DAK 8

Pattern Tracing for DesignaKnit 8 DAK 8

Pattern Tracing for DesignaKnit 8 (DAK 8) by Michael Becker - If you have DesignaKnit 8 (DAK 8), then you will find that the new publication called Pattern Tracing will be very exciting. Pattern Tracing describes how to take a commercially produced dress making pattern like those produced by Vogue, McCalls, Burda, etc. and make it into a garment shape ready to knit in DAK 8. This method can only be done with DesignaKnit 8. You need to have DAK 8 to be able to do the tracing.
Information is also available to use dimension diagrams from hand knitting patterns to create garment outlines in DAK 8.
Pattern Tracing will take you through the steps needed to make the dressing making pattern into a traceable image. You can then process the image using the tools in Original Pattern drafting. Using a test square, you can further process the image so that you can actually knit the garment pieces. If you are a dressmaker and would like to have more complex fitted knitting patterns from your knitting machine, then you will certainly have more creative freedom using Pattern Tracing for DesignaKnit 8.